Evaluation Process for Postgraduate Programmes

The Department of Law has a good policy to effectively evaluate the students through different types of exam, group discussion, presentation, viva etc. An examination committee of 5 members shall be formed in each department which will monitor all the examinations related issues of a department including submission of questions, moderation of questions, ensuring of standard of questions, appointment of invigilation team, finalization and submission of results etc. The committee will consist of the HOD, one teacher of the department concerned, one teacher from the related courses, one external member and one member nominated by the Controller of Examinations.

Performance of the students will be evaluated as under:

Basic Percentage of Marks
Class Attendance and Participation, Quizzes Etc. 15%
Assignment, Term Paper, Case Presentation, Group Discussion 15%
Surprise test, viva etc. 15%
Midterm exam 30% and counted 15% 15%
Course Final Exam 40%
Total = 100%

All examinations shall be conducted and evaluated by the course teachers. Any student not satisfied with his/her result, can make a request addressing the Controller of Examination within 15 days of the publication of result on payment of a prescribed fee for each course and the Controller of examination shall arrange a re-examination of the script. The result of the re-examination shall be final and binding on the students. All results must be submitted to the controller of examinations office within 3 working days of holding each examination.